(Limited & Exclusive) The Witches Moon® ~ The Altar Adorned ~ July 2024
Product Details
Within the inner chamber of our sanctuary, sits the Holy of Holies, the Adorned Altar. This space is so profoundly our own, and contains those tools that bear us the wielders of power and transmutation, truly making us the magickal practitioner. This intimately emotional and passionate place is where we call upon the forces of nature, the spirits that dwell within, and the mighty kingdom of guides that infinitely shoot towards the heavenly realms. Simply writing these words forces me towards my own altar, delicately adorned with magickal items that strike the iron cord of my truest self. It is within this space where we are the creators, the heroes of our story, the eager souls diligently working towards higher knowledge and profound insight. It is here where our connection to the beyond is the strongest and most intentional. In this extremely unique and exclusive collection, we finally share items that we created with the purest of intention, to adorn your own sacred altar. We heavily rely upon our roots and free fall into the original intention behind starting The Witches Moon many years ago. We truly hope that you join us on our journey into the Sanctum sanctorum.
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