Page of Cups Quarterly™ Subscription (United States)
Product Details
The Page of Cups Quarterly™ Subscription - From the creators of The Witches Moon®!
United States
Upcoming Collection: April (Shipping on or around April 25th)
Quarterly Subscription Price (Per Quarter): $62.00 (USD) plus $11.00 Shipping & Handling. (plus, applicable sales tax)
Please know that sales tax may be added depending on location.
How it works:
The Page of Cups is a quarterly subscription and is charged to your payment method once every 3 months. After your initial purchase, you can adjust your future renewal dates to a day that works best for you!
The shipping months of this service are as follows:
- January (Shipping between January 1st thru January 25th)
- April (Shipping between April 1st thru April 25th)
- July (Shipping between July 1st thru July 25th)
- October (Shipping between October 1st thru October 25th)
Upon subscribing, your first box will be shipped during the next scheduled shipping month. If you happen to subscribe WITHIN a shipping month, anytime between the 1st and 15th, we will ship you that month’s collection as the first box.
For example, if you subscribe June 15th, your first box will be the July Collection, shipping between July 1st and 25th.
Another example, if you subscribe on July 11th, your first box will be the October Collection, shipping between October 1st and 25th.
As avid collectors, readers, and seekers of knowledge, our creation of this service came upon naturally and has been brewing within our hearts and minds for many years. We are beyond thrilled to offer the Page of Cups Quarterly Subscription to those that wish to dive into a new Book and work with a new Tarot/Oracle Deck each quarter. The items in these boxes may include but are not limited to the following items:
- 1 Hardcover or Softcover Book
- 1 Tarot Deck or Oracle Deck
- 1 Large Bag of Herbal Tea from The Witches Moon®
- 1 Bookmark designed and created by The Witches Moon®
- 1 Exclusive piece of artwork to include within your Book of Shadows.
We are working with publishers directly to include books and decks that are newly released or highly admired! Reading and working with Tarot/Oracle is a vital part of our practice, providing us with unending inspiration, creative ideas to incorporate into our practice, and fresh insight from our guides. We truly hope to have the opportunity to share our passion for this wonderful obsession with you!
Blessed Be,
The Witches Moon®
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