The Page of Cups Quarterly ~ Feathers of Fate ~ April 2024
Posted on March 26 2024

“Walking through the nearby forest, the Witch rests upon a large rock seemingly shaped for the occasion. Spring is in the air, with the shadow of breath reaching out into the remaining cold. Filled with wandering thoughts of magical contemplation, the Witch breaks her focus to gaze upon the eyes that have been watching her all along. The Raven sits upon a nearby tree, watching with care. Is this the same Raven that was seen just yesterday? What message do they grip within their claw?…” In this very unique and significant collection, we work with the beautiful energies of spiritual messengers. Join us in April as we call upon the Feathers of Fate to guide us through the unknown. ~ Any subscriptions to The Page of Cups Quarterly that is purchased or renewed by April 15th, will receive this collection, shipping by April 25th.