The Witches Moon® ~ The Stonekeeper's Secret ~ February 2025
Posted on January 22 2025

“In the heart of the star-shrouded mountain range, the determined seeker embarks on a fateful journey toward the summit where the Stonekeeper dwells. Each step is a pilgrimage of dedication, inspired by the tales of the Stonekeeper’s ability to commune with the natural world, especially with ancient stones, magically deciphering their secret messages. Gathered around her are the spirits of all animals, eagerly watching her work. At last, the seeker reaches the summit, where the stone circle lay sprawled across the timeless opening. With a slight smile, the Stonekeeper nodded. A hushed murmur vibrated from her lips, like distant thunder. As she opened her hands, a beautiful stone rested upon her weathered palm. “I have a message for you…”, she whispers… ~ In this VERY special collection, we align ourselves with the heartbeat of nature, working with specific tools to enhance our ability to unlock secrets of the animal and mineral kingdom. Join us on our journey to the star-shrouded pinnacle, where the Stonekeeper dwells…”