The Witches Moon® - Egyptian Magick - January 2019
Posted on December 18 2018
As true seekers of Knowledge and Wisdom, we turn to the limitless depths of Egyptian Magick. We are true practitioners of all things related to Magick and Witchcraft. In this sought-after collection, we focus on our deep yearning to understand the Wisdom passed down from the Ancients. These magickal concepts and tools are very sacred to us and are held close to the thriving curiosity that feeds our souls. As we step back from our daily tasks, we step into an older, more sophisticated world so that we may truly understand the Magic that flows through every movement and gesture we make. A world where Mother Earth and our Universe is filled with the power of Gods and Goddesses. As we work to understand the Magick presented in this collection, we learn to fill ourselves with the power that was once inscribed in the monolithic Temples and Pyramids. Accompany us as we delve into the sacred practices and beliefs behind Ancient Egyptian Magick.