The Witches Moon® - The Guided Truth - December 19'
Posted on November 25 2019

As we prepare for and celebrate the longest night and the coming of the reborn year, we delve deep into our truest form of divinatory practices. At this time, we come to a stage of rebirth within ourselves, about to set out upon the sea of opportunities that awaits us in the coming months. As we gain knowledge regarding the past, present, and future, we refer to the powerful imagery that is so prominently used within our day to day practices. It is vital that we accept and work to understand how each message resonates with the pressing realities in our world. This truly extravagant Gold Edition December Witches Moon Collection has been in the works for many Moons. We are so honored to be able to include the stunning items within this collection and cannot wait for you to experience their true power and guidance.