The Witches Moon® - The Witch & The Wind - November 2020
Posted on October 21 2020

At last, the Witch sat quietly among the deep forest trees. As she spoke to the soil and sang to the leaves, she began to wonder. Combing through the list of challenges she currently faces, she inhaled deeply, sighing on the circumstances ahead. Breaking the silence, a strong wind brushed against her face as if to wake her. A gentle, yet important reminder has been passed to her by the Watchful Winds, providing her with messages and insight that she may choose to inspire and empower her. In this very special November Witches Moon Collection, we work with the Spirits of the Wind, allowing us to call upon the deep and intimate energies that waft within them. In this one-of-a-kind collection, we provide exclusive tools that were created to enhance the Magick that flows along the ever changing path ahead.