The August "Sacred Bounty" Box Theme
Posted on July 17 2017

Coming into August, we sense an intimacy so close to our purpose. The Sacred Bounty. The realization of goals achieved, accomplishments recognized and the overwhelming saturation of Gratitude. We focus on the Purity of Heart as we give without asking in return. We not only spread energy of thankfulness and acknowledgement but act upon the very nature of offering back to the Earth, Moon and Stars. As we align ourselves with this raw natural act, we in turn align the Stars to follow and the Universe to comply. Our practice has always involved recognizing the true blessings before us, knowing that our actions and intention are the controlling factors in our piece of something much more beautiful and brilliant.
The most powerful reoccurring truth in our lives comes from the sacred practice of Gratitude. Join us as we truly realize our Sacred Bounty and align ourselves for future Success, Accomplishment and Fulfillment.