The Witches Bounty™ ~ The Witch's Protector ~ May 2024
Posted on April 20 2024

“Preparing for the great and heroic journey ahead, the skilled craftsmith molds and melds the alchemical metals and stones to create what so many work to create, the Amulet of Protection. Upon completion, this source of protection is placed in a pendant and adorned with magical and potent symbols, only known to those that walk the mystical path. Upon placing it over the warrior’s head, a small incantation is spoken, activating and binding its purpose to the bearer. As the Witch turns towards their future, a sense of confidence and empowerment reaches through them, strengthening their stature and stamina. The world of opportunity overpowers the fears of failure once felt...” – We are beyond excited to FINALLY share these items with our subscribers! May the Witch’s Protector be a constant companion on your path. May it join you in the battle towards conquering the foes that attempt to stop you!