The Witches Moon™ - The Goddess Energy - August 2018

Posted on July 26 2018

The Witches Moon™ - The Goddess Energy - August 2018

Along our winding path, we find it easy to make the situations we face harder and more difficult to deal with than necessary. Instincts are easily twisted to anger and fear, acting as a cloak to disguise insecurities. Most are trained to believe that challenges must be tackled and defeated through low vibrational tactics and self-centered intentions. As Witches of any gender, we focus on one of our most valuable and rewarding aspects, the Goddess Energy. The nature of this very intention allows us to step back, knowing that we do not need to constantly 'fix' things, but rather Expand, Wake Up and become Enlightened. Our minds must step aside and allow our 'knowing' self to unveil the mysteries that words cannot contain. We connect and cultivate our Goddess Energy, allowing us to become a powerhouse of Divine Healing and Intuition. This softer, more gentle side of us allows our energy to be free-flowing and effortless when stepping through each challenge we face, making life easy and our goals more attainable. We have curated, crafted and source this very special collection to awaken and nurture your most powerful aspect.

Blessed Be,

The Witches Moon™



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