The Witches Moon® - The Seeker - March 2019

Posted on February 19 2019

The Witches Moon® - The Seeker - March 2019
As seekers of constant Truth and Guidance, we set aside time to connect with the Divine, so that we may receive direction and confirmation regarding life’s most pressing matters. We deeply resonate with knowing that we are not alone on our Journey and that our purpose spreads beyond our depth of understanding. Divination is a daily, intentional act that we use to refine and refocus our work. While we connect with the messages from within and without, we allow the untethered truth to resonate within us, unopinionated and open. These simple, yet significant practices are the key to our Spiritual and Emotional Growth, leading to a life of fulfillment and abundant surprises. This unique and one-of-a-kind collection was created so that you may break through the personal barriers that hold you back from achieving a true connection to the Wise. In return, compassion and understanding may replace the unwanted emotions and negative thoughts that can chain us to stagnancy.

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